
Where Are You Rushing To?

by Subomi Plumptre

Last Sunday, as I almost missed an international flight, I reflected on the hubris that attends how humans live. We say things like,

“Today, I’ll travel to this place or that.”

“I’m going to close this deal.”

“This person will go out with me.”

“I just need to buy one more thing.”

We plan so far ahead and believe we are the masters of our fate. There’s great faith in this but also great pride.

A few years ago, I waited for a medical diagnosis. The result would determine the trajectory of the rest of my life. As I spent months running tests and listening to doctors, it hit me that I may never get to do all that I’d dreamed. I could easily become a memory. Thankfully, I was given more time. I now have to contend with three manageable conditions instead of one big one.

Mankind is phenomenal and does such great things. But sometimes we forget life is a gift and leadership, a privilege. Even in churches, we design services based on pre-determined plans and formats. We rarely stop to ask the Spirit what he’d like to achieve that day. The dynamic one who is so insanely creative that he wants to show us new things daily.

So, as I finally arrived at the boarding gate of my flight in the nick of time, I recommitted to a pledge I’d made a while back. A promise to stop all the relentless planning and to cease living with fear. I reminded myself to let God take control and be in charge.

It’s been a long time coming but I’m done being the captain of my boat. Instead, I will begin each day with a prayer: “God what are you working on right now and how can I join you in your work?”

He may show me the task for the day or a plan that lasts months and years. But it will be a path of meaning and purpose. Then, I will deploy my passion and resources in the right direction, knowing I am not alone.

Along this road, I will hear a voice behind me saying, “Subomi, this is the way you should go. Walk in it.” I will feel the internal reassurance of God’s promise to never leave nor forsake me.

This is the energy I’m going into the new year with.

For more, please read What Would Happen?

[bctt tweet=”Mankind is phenomenal and does such great things. But sometimes we forget life is a gift and leadership, a privilege.” username=”@subomiplumptre”]