I would like to write about two types of friends. Let’s call them Type A and Type B.
Type A Friend
Type A friends are fiercely loyal but distant. They are largely emotionally unavailable.
This type of person is committed and true, but they view friendship through the lens of duty and service.
They are always there in a crisis, and will move heaven and earth to solve your problems. I call them war-time friends.
You know who they are. The type who say they don’t need to see you for three months. But when you eventually meet, you’ll pick up from where you both left off.
In their mind, you are family. So you will always be there, and your bond, unshakeable.
The challenge is, when there’s nothing to do, this type of friend has limited value. They are not the type you call to gist or take a stroll with. There must be a purpose for each call unless it’s been a long time, then, a catch up is in order.
If your love language is Acts of Service, this type of friendship works well for you. On the other hand, if you prefer Quality Time or Words, manage your expectations to preserve the friendship and then find more friends to meet your emotional needs.
Type B Friend
Type B friends are emotionally present.
They believe in doing life with you and want to know the intimate details as they are unfolding, not afterwards.
They have an open door and open house policy. Call when you want to and visit at any time.
They are the type you speak to before going on a trip or ahead of a significant purchase. You do these things to carry them along, and they do the same.
This kind of friend knows where your mind is at. There are few surprises because you are in sync.
Although your friend may not have the capacity to solve your problem, they will keep you company along the way. And if they know someone else who can help, they will recommend them.
So, what type of friend are you, and which type do you have?