I once wrote about how I mismanaged success. Having learnt from my mistakes, I would like to share some things that may help you, as you succeed.
1. Be careful about how you treat friends and old allies. As you grow busier, do not delegate a friend to your Personal Assistant to deal with. It may be more efficient, but it sends a signal that your friendship is no longer a priority. As you succeed, there will be jobs you can no longer take and accounts you can no longer service. Be careful about how you communicate that. Try to be helpful by referring others who can do a good job.
2. Manage your fame and the “sudden” income that comes with it. Do not be the man or woman who spends so much time planning for success, yet spends little time preparing for its outcome. Focus on creating sustainable wealth from seasonal fame. Remember, fame is mercurial but a rich person will always be relevant across several industries.
3. There will come a time when the universe smiles on you. It will seem like you’re the toast of the town. Everyone will be calling you and know your name. Everything you do will succeed and you will make crazy money. Interestingly, that period is both seed time AND harvest. You must set aside seed during those times of plenty to ensure the next harvest.
4. Make time for God. He is the source of your creative energy and his favour promoted you. Whenever you travel, find a place of worship. Also check in with God daily. His advice is priceless yet free.
5. Unless you are a nursing mother, President or soldier fighting a war, stop forming busy. Don’t use “busyness” as an excuse to neglect your family and friends. Call people when you’re in transit and while you’re eating. Send Whatsapp messages in the toilet. You may even reduce the amount of time you spend watching TV. Keep in touch.
6. Avoid beef, especially online beef. The Internet never forgets. You need a large heart to remain successful. Start practicing forgiveness and the art of selective listening now.
7. Be the first to say hello to people at events. (I am terrible at this.)
8. Be kind. Lend your influence to causes. You have a limited time to make your fame count. Start building your legacy from Day One.
9. Be gracious. Take the time to talk to children and elders.
10. Be humble. Deliberately surround yourself with people who tell you the truth. Not social media truth. The real truth.
I wish you even greater success.
[bctt tweet=”Surround yourself with people who tell you the truth. Not #socialmedia truth. The real truth.” username=”subomiplumptre”]