Making Wise Decisions
by Subomi Plumptre

When you’re in a place of teaching or discourse, endeavor to make the wise decision to sift through what concerns you and leave the rest.
By design, teaching is a bouquet of things – information, inspiration, experience, bias and context. The hearer sieves through, based on the same items and ultimately decides on what they want to take away from the lesson. So, if you bear this in mind, you will sidestep offence. Add humility because it helps to understand that you don’t have exclusivity of knowledge and that wisdom can come from anywhere.
The Union of Wisdom and Responsibility
But there can be no wisdom without personal responsibility. You must chew on information, analyze it and apply it to your personal circumstances. Then accept the outcome with your full chest.
Sometimes we outsource thinking and decision-making to others, even as adults. We swallow advice from mentors, leaders and people in authority – hook, line & sinker. This is because we are afraid.
Decisions have consequences and so we need someone better than us – or perhaps, more anointed and wisdom-filled – to give us the “right advice”. Worst case, if things go wrong, we can claim, “They said…”
We forget others are leading their own lives while we have ours. Everyone with their own varying decisions to make. At the end of the day, they won’t be there to deal with our outcomes for us.
At times, we prevaricate, waiting to gather all the data. But experience itself is data. As long as the potential outcome isn’t catastrophic, jump. You will gain practical knowledge from doing this.
My Gift to You, This Week…
This week, I pray you receive the grace to make wise decisions. A certain quality of insight that guides your path. May you receive the clarity you have searched for and deeply desired. May you know what to do. And may you find the courage to do it. Amen.
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