Age Is Not Wisdom
by Subomi Plumptre

A reason why age comes with experience is because, you’ll have multiple adventures over a long period of time. This gives you the ability to spot patterns and form inferences. Hence, wisdom.
Some young people have had successive experiences within a short span of time and so, are more experienced than many older people. They’ve read more, traveled more, observed more and interacted more. So, it’s not about age per se, but experience. An older person without wisdom and the ability to learn from mistakes is simply an old fool.
A friend used to say the reason why he liked me, was if I made a mistake and it was pointed out to me, I would turn around immediately. My willingness to take correction and to change tack endeared me to him. I think he thought it was humility. Perhaps. But to me, it was just the right thing to do.
For more of my random thoughts about life, you should get my new book, UNSCRIPTED.
[bctt tweet=”An older person without wisdom and the ability to learn from mistakes is simply an old fool.” username=”subomiplumptre”]