by Subomi Plumptre
This video is a step-by-step guide for setting up Naira payments for Facebook Advertising. If this is your first time advertising on Facebook, you may skip to the 6th minute of the video. But if you’ve advertised in dollars before, you need to start from the beginning. Now, please don’t be shy about donating to my coffee fund if the video is useful to you:). If you can’t see the video below, please watch it on YouTube.
Highlights of the Video
1. Please set up a new Facebook account if you’ve used your existing account to run ads in dollars before. Do not use your existing name or else Facebook will see it as an attempt to steal your identity by some one else. So use another email account and name.
2. Make your new Facebook account an admin on any Facebook Page that you run.
3. Attempt to boost a post on your page, while you’re signed in as your new Facebook account/ID.
4. When you try to boost a post, Facebook will prompt you to set up a new advertising account.
5. Choose Nigeria as your country and Naira as your currency.
6. Facebook will ask how you want to pay. Choose PAYU and not Credit/Debit Card. You can then use a Naira card to load any amount via PAYU. As you run your campaigns, money will be deducted from the amount you have preloaded. You can top up your balance at any time, but you cannot have more than N250,000 in your advertising balance on Facebook at any point in time. So now, your new advertising account has been set up!
7. Make sure your new advertising account make your old Facebook ID/profile an admin. You can do so when you click on account settings in the advertising dashboard. Once this is done, your old Facebook profile/ID can now run ads using your new Naira advertising account.
8. To run ads on Instagram, create the post on Facebook, click on Boost, choose Instagram as a destination and Facebook will prompt you to connect your Instagram account. So your ad will show on Instagram while you pay in Naira on Facebook.
9. Anytime you preload money via PAYU, allow the payment window to close on its own and take you back to Facebook. Don’t close the window or else your money will not be credited to Facebook automatically.
10. If your money ever gets lost in transit, go to the PAYU website to lodge a complaint. They are very responsive. They will ask you to send a screenshot of the billing section of your advertising account so they can see a history of past payments. They will also ask for your Facebook ID/email address and the date you paid. The money typically gets loaded on your Facebook account 2 days later.
If this has helped you, please consider donating to my coffee fund. Thank you.
by Subomi Plumptre
by Subomi Plumptre
by Subomi Plumptre