
Message to Youth Leaders

by Subomi Plumptre

1. Nigeria does not need a perfect leader. We should respect leaders who have publicly fallen and risen again.

2. The job of rebuilding Nigeria will be a collaborative one. You cannot do it alone. By the time you tear everyone down, who will be left to work with?

3. You need to get off your high horse and mend the fences that have led to distrust, no matter what the issues are.

4. You need to stop directing articles and tweets at each other. Pick up the phone, meet or confront directly. Have a conversation.

5. You owe each other explanations for past actions. Pride will not help you build trust.

6. You will achieve very little divided. You need to stop talking down to others. Being at the grassroots doesn’t make you any more relevant than a technocrat or vice versa.

7. You must learn from older leaders, without necessarily imbibing their values. After all, there’s a reason why they’re in power and you’re not.

8. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. Without history, multiple perspectives and a willingness to listen, you will remain ignorant.

9. Leadership is not a competition. You are not more patriotic than others.

10. While it may be good to know your Representative or Senator, not knowing who they are does not disqualify you from complaining about what’s bad about your nation.

11. Before you criticise a leader, consider if you can do the volume of work they do or use power better. Your past record will provide a clue.

12. Criticism is invaluable but move beyond talk. Do the work you accuse others of not doing and show them how it can be done via alternative platforms. Stop waiting for an opportunity to be handed to you.

[bctt tweet=”Do the work you accuse others of not doing and show them how it can be done. Stop waiting for an opportunity to be handed to you. ” username=”subomiplumptre”]