Structure Your Talent
by Subomi Plumptre

There’s only so much you can do with wisdom if you are unable to structure your talent and apply the right processes.
Talent is individualistic. It brings much personal triumph, especially if uncommon. But structure unlocks the exponential power of communities. This leads to systemic, enduring and generational outcomes.
Talent Brings Out the Leader in You
Many people strive for excellence, no doubt. But sometimes it’s difficult to play well with others. Working with groups has a slowness about it because each member’s pace is different. You must build consensus, which is a political skill some have scant patience for. You evolve into an A&R, mastering how to apply processes and develop latent potential, to bring out the best in others. This is a leadership skill.
You must become humble in order to identify, work with and then promote others who are better than you. This means listening to contrary views and taking correction, when necessary.
If you can translate your gifts into process and structure, then you will have replicable success. This came home to me recently as I considered the Grammys.
For a period of about a decade, I watched the music award show every year. In that time, I can only recall two instances of technical issues. They were such obvious deviations from the usual masterclass in structure and talent, that I remember them vividly. The first was feedback from a loudspeaker while Seal was performing. Then in another year, Celine Dion had trouble hearing herself on the monitors and so went off-key.
But other than that, the Grammys were pretty much excellent during my watching streak. The back-end design and execution were unparalleled.
Always Strive for Excellence
Excellence must be the norm while mistakes become the exception. That is how institutions and legacies are built. So as you read this, I want you to think about your company, non-profit, family or life. Do you structure your talent? Are you on a winning streak of excellence? If not, what do YOU plan to do about it and when?
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