
One Conversation With God

by Subomi Plumptre

When I fool around sexually, God is there.

It is doubtful that his presence is a ringing endorsement. Instead, I imagine he’s there to prove that nothing can separate us. His love will pursue me to the ends of the earth. He is that committed to our relationship.

I think about Zacchaeus sometimes (as recounted in the biblical story of Luke 19). I wonder what Jesus said to him, to make him change in a few hours. I can relate, because my life changed after a 5-minute conversation with God.

Why did Jesus eat with Zacchaeus? In modern times, doing so would have risked reputational damage and invited social media controversy. If I were to apply creative license, I would imagine that many well meaning Christians had distributed tracts to Zacchaeus before. He had been accosted by bell ringing end-time preachers on the street. Jehovah’s Witnesses had knocked on his door countless times. So, what was it about a single conversation, that transformed him?

What did he and Jesus talk about? What made Zacchaeus willing to repent and offer restitution? Why did he feel empowered and not condemned?

Sometimes I wonder if today, Christians have that effect on people. Or, have our professions of faith become so ineffectual, that our presence is inconsequential in the spaces of sin?

PS: To learn about my personal God Walk, please go here.

[bctt tweet=”Have our Christian professions of faith become so ineffectual, that our presence is inconsequential in the spaces of sin?” username=”subomiplumptre”]

[bctt tweet=”My life changed after a 5-minute conversation with God.” username=”subomiplumptre”]