You can be deeply introverted like me, without being shy or self-deprecating.
A long time ago, I realised that I would be poor and led by fools, if I continued to be shy. I needed to speak up about my ideas and ideology. I needed to be bold about my contributions and talents, before other people’s mediocrity killed me.
I decided my route to leadership and prosperity would be by “doing”. I would work harder than anyone else. I would volunteer for things no one asked me to. But, I wouldn’t just “do”. I would claim what I did. Publish my achievements and gained recognition. Begin to lead.
It’s easy to lead when the people around you are lazy but dependent on the projects you are working on. Take advantage of this. When you are very competent, networks will find you. You will also attract others like you.
So I have stopped apologizing for who I am. I figured if no one took permission from me to live their life, why should I take permission from them? If extroverts happily expended energy without consulting me, why should I mind them when I’m conserving my energy?
I now throw peer pressure back at people. If extroverts ask why I’m quiet, I ask if it is their quiet. If they pressure me to drink or dance, I push back.
Introvert, know this and know peace- your strength is your authenticity and your efficiency. You don’t have energy or time for drama. You keep it real. Those traits are very valuable if you would only harness them.
If you can’t express yourself vocally, write instead! If you can’t network at events, use social media like I do! Find what works for you and own it. Build your own tribe – people who defend you and open doors for you.
As an introvert, I no longer minimize who I am, neither should you. I know I’m brilliant. My test scores say so and my work corroborates it. But, I learnt a long time ago that an intelligent person without character, will destroy herself and harm others. So, I prioritize character over intellect.
I don’t try to compete with others. I drive my second-hand car with my chest and when I’m broke, I accept my bad mood. When the subject of relationship comes up, I say I’m single and lonely. I don’t prevaricate. It is what it is.
I dislike pedestals. Most of the people who “famz” won’t buy your products. So, their adoration has no economic benefits.
If you’re an introvert on my timeline and you’re reading this, I really pray you come into your own, someday. You have so much brilliance, beauty and value. May you find expression. May you find safe spaces to grow. May you blossom and thrive. Your fellow introvert salutes you.
[bctt tweet=”A long time ago, I realised I would be poor and led by fools, if I continued to be shy.” username=”subomiplumptre”]
[bctt tweet=”When you are very competent, networks will find you.” username=”subomiplumptre”]
[bctt tweet=”Build your tribe – people who defend you and open doors for you.” username=”subomiplumptre”]
[bctt tweet=”Most of the people who “famz”, won’t buy your products. Famzing has no economic benefit. ” username=”subomiplumptre”]
[bctt tweet=”An intelligent person without character, will destroy himself and destroy others.” username=”subomiplumptre”]