
Giftings & Character

by Subomi Plumptre

I am deeply troubled by the stories of rape and abuse in the Church, on my social media timeline. I am reminded that personal morality is man’s responsibility and those who outsource it to the “anointing” are delusional.

Elisha was a child murderer yet a Prophet. (His mentor Elijah, was quick to call down fire from Heaven to consume his enemies.) David was an adulterer yet a Prophet and King. Samson, sexually promiscuous yet a Judge. Peter, a cultural traditionalist yet leader of the first global church. Many other Biblical examples abound.

We are told these stories in the Bible, so we can modulate our character as we develop our gifts. The gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit can be mutually exclusive. Character is your responsibility.

I sincerely look forward to the legal outcome of rape cases identified in the Christian church. May justice (both spiritual and earthly) be meted out with swiftness and precision.

On another note, it is difficult for regular church-goers to understand how their Pastors can exhibit phenomenal gifts yet be intrinsically evil. It’s because they’ve been taught (erroneously) that the Holy Spirit can’t work in an unholy vessel. So, they assume if the Pastor is so anointed, he must be good too. That is false. To help you understand, here’s a simple analogy. A brilliant musician or an astounding architect doesn’t stop being so, because they become a serial killer.

Do not conflate giftings with character.

[bctt tweet=”The gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit can be mutually exclusive. Character is your responsibility.” username=”subomiplumptre”]