A week ago, I took the Signature Strengths Test at www.authentichappiness.org for the second time. While my strengths remained the same, my weaknesses surprised me. Two in particular – Leadership and Prudence.
I didn’t expect leadership to be a limitation, as I’ve held responsibilities since I was a child. But, my introversion has finally caught up with me after decades of performing. I no longer enjoy shepherding large groups nor do I have the patience to explain simplistic things anymore. I don’t want to lead “people”. I want to oversee a small elite group. The rest can get their leadership from Buhari. 🙈
On prudence, apparently, I’m the type to jump out of a plane at least once. I can’t sustain a diet and have struggled with weight issues all my life. It seems I’m also terrible at choosing new friends.
I am curious, so it’s doubtful I’ll stop trying some dangerous experiences. On diet, na fat I fat. I nor kill pesin. I’ll just have to compensate with healthier living and exercise. So, it is the friendship one that got to me.
Why do I give people 2nd and 3rd chances even when it’s obvious we’re not compatible? Why don’t I hear word? It’s so painful when friendship goes awry. But now I know it’s a weakness, I am better prepared to make choices and to circumscribe the circle of people I open my world to.
I analyzed my tribe and discovered there are not many souls I trust implicitly.
For those I do trust, even if the whole world said they did something, my first reaction would be disbelief. And if it turned out to be true, I have already forgiven them in advance for I know it must be a terrible mistake. That’s how deeply I believe in those I love. And it’s why I must be careful of my open heart.
In over two decades of doing business and building networks, I’ve discovered something. When you’re honest & hardworking, you’ve got to filter for values and not only profile. Many international business schools and fellowships will connect you to the successful. But, they will not necessarily point you in the direction of the good. More often than not, people with character self-select in unusual ways. Deep calls unto deep.
That’s why in the next few weeks, I’m starting something new for executives.
The new generation of global CEOs and senior entrepreneurs. Those who don’t just want to make money, but also want to make a difference. I want to build a network for them to meet and to do projects with one another. A sort of organic but very planned virtual meet-up. We’ll talk about money and make valuable contacts, yes. But we’ll also talk about life and remember what truly matters. We’ll have 2 or 3 really interesting personalities address us as well.
I’m really mining my network for this. A life lived across multiple industries – consulting, media, the arts, non-profits, finance. I’m leveraging it all.
So, if you are between 36 to 50 years old; if you are at the top of your game and would like to learn about this network I’m building, please drop your email address here. I’ll be in touch in a few weeks with more information.
For more, please read Much Ado About Resilience.