
About my Church Social Media Book

by Subomi Plumptre

I was introduced to cashless banking, when I saw the first ATMs at Société Générale Bank, Lagos Island. Years later, Guaranty Trust Bank revolutionised banking in Nigeria, when it introduced Mastercard and ushered in simplified internet banking services. Today, this generation takes borderless banking for granted.

While my first games included Monopoly and Whot, my nieces & nephews are more familiar with Candy Crush and Subway Surfer.

This generation was born into technology. It is not an assistant or accessory. It is a fact of life. Technology weaves its way through entertainment and information. It is the primary platform for people discovery and the destination point, for community building. We use technology to oil our friendships and we first fall in love with people’s words, before we ever meet them. No other generation has socialised technology like the current one.

Technology informs us and educates us. It has given us new tools of advocacy and political participation. Nowadays, the full range of human emotion plays out on a curious platform birthed by technology – social media.

I once wrote: “Social media shapes culture. It has its own language and ideology; its own community and code of conduct. Social media has become the single most disruptive sociological force in this generation.”

With the foregoing in mind, should any church ignore social media? I think not.

My book, “Trinity Plan: A 3-Step Guide for Developing a Church Social Media Ministry”, will help churches and ministers who want to take social media seriously. In it, I draw on my years of experience, setting up social media structures for churches like The Elevation Church and The LifePointe Church. I leverage my extensive studies on the role of media in the church. And, I share insights from decades of ecclesiastical consulting.

I hope the book helps you and your church or ministry. You may get a copy at www.subomiplumptre.com/trinityplan.

Happy reading.

PS: Please share with someone who needs this.

[bctt tweet=”This generation was born into technology. It is not an accessory. It is a fact of life.” username=”subomiplumptre”]

[bctt tweet=”Social media shapes culture. It has become the single most disruptive sociological force in this generation.” username=”subomiplumptre”]