
Some Life Lessons

by Subomi Plumptre

Invest fast.

Sleep less.

Be daring.

For every American or European platform that rejects you because you are Nigerian, there is a cheaper and more welcoming Asian option.

Read. Read. Read.

Refuse to work with people who are unreliable and slow.

Carry God along as you plan. Don’t leave him behind.

Spiritual power and grace are important.

Implement while refining an idea. Don’t wait for perfection.

Avoid complicated deals with brain-draining meetings.

Business can be simple. Disorderly minds and those trying to protect their turfs, make it difficult.

Decentralisation, consensus and reward are three key concepts that will define the next generation of businesses.

Nobody is stopping anyone’s destiny in Nigeria. You can be rich without knowing anyone or joining the “cabal”. All you need is a working brain and Internet.

Fear will limit you.

Your friends and family won’t always understand your vision. Ignore the tepid responses and embrace strangers who understand. God sent them your way.

Give. Give. Give.

Talk to God all the time. Don’t wait for prayer time.

Show people what you’re trying to do. Stop selling concepts. People will support you when you have a working prototype.

Someday, all your disparate talents and gifts will coalesce into something truly special.

Stop selling concepts. People will support you when you have a working prototype. Click To Tweet Someday, all your disparate talents and gifts will coalesce into something truly special. Click To Tweet

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